Vesak Day Eight Precepts 卫塞节八关斋

The Buddhist Union invites you and your family to our Vesak 2016 Celebration.
地点 Venue: 28 Jalan Senyum
[su_spacer size=”12″] [su_spacer size=”12″] 下载卫塞节2016海报 Download the Vesak Day 2016 poster here
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[su_spacer size=”12″] 八关斋戒为一日一夜遵守八种清净戒律。
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[su_spacer size=”12″] 节目
早上6点半 – 八关斋戒子早课
早上9点 – 卫塞节祈福法会
上午11点半至下午1点半 – 午斋
下午4点半 – 八关斋戒子晚课
[su_spacer size=”12″] 请致电报名
电话: 6241 9419 / 6281 9776
截止日期: 2016年5月16日
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[su_spacer size=”12″] 日期:5月20日(五)农历四月十四
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[su_spacer size=”12″] 日期:5月14日(六) 农历四月初八
[su_spacer size=”12″] 《千佛洪名宝忏》
[su_spacer size=”12″] 日期:5月15日(日) 农历四月初九
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[su_spacer size=”12″] 本会恭请六和僧伽,联同本会主席及宗教顾问释宝实法师与释宝通法师主持卫塞祈福法会。
[su_spacer size=”12″] 如果您有意参加祈福法会,请联络本会索取报名表格,并于10.5.2016前寄交本会即可。
• 合家50元
• 个名30元
[su_spacer size=”12″] 祈愿三宝加持,天下群生和乐,同得法喜。
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Vesak Day Eight Precepts

The Eight Precepts is code of ethics laid down by Buddha for lay Buddhists to aid in their spiritual practice, experiencing short-term monastic life.
Observing the Eight Precepts helps one eradicate negative karma and it is significantly auspicious to be able to observe the Eight Precepts on Vesak Day.
[su_spacer size=”12″] May this short retreat enhance your wisdom and happiness.
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Vesak Day Eight Precepts

Date: 21 May 2016 (Sat) 15th Day of 4th Lunar Month
[su_spacer size=”12″] Programme
6.30am – Morning Service for 8-Preceptees
9am – Vesak Day Blessing Service
11.30am – 1.30pm Vegetarian Lunch
4.30pm – Evening Service for 8-Preceptees
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Registration Required
Tel: 6241 9419 / 6281 9776
Closing Date: 16 May 2016
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Vesak Eve Service

[su_spacer size=”12″] Preceptees’ Repentance on Vesak Eve (Diamond Sutra)
[su_spacer size=”12″] Date: 20 May 2016 (Fri) 14th day of 4th Lunar Month
Time: 9am – 12midnight
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Dharma Function

[su_spacer size=”12″] The Diamond Repentance Sutra
Date: 14 May 2016 (Sat) 8th day of 4th Lunar Month
Time: 9am – 6pm
[su_spacer size=”12″] Prostration of Thousand Buddhas Repentance
Date: 15 May 2016 (Sun) 9th day of 4th Lunar Month
Time: 9am – 6pm
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Vesak Blessing Services

The Buddhist Union invites you and your family to our Vesak 2016 Celebration.
Monks have been invited to conduct Vesak Blessing Services together with our President/Religious Advisor Ven. Bao Shi and assisted by our Vice President Ven. Bao Tong.
[su_spacer size=”12″] If you wish to participate in this blessing service, please contact us for the form and return to us by 10 May 2016
The contribution is as follows:
• $50 per Family
• $30 per Name
[su_spacer size=”12″] By the grace of the Triple Gems, may all be blessed with good health and happiness.