Dharma Lectures by Venerable Heng Sure (City of Ten Thousand Buddhas)

The Practices and Vows of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra 普贤行愿品
Date: 20 Apr – 24 Apr 2014
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: The Buddhist Union Dharma Centre
43 Lowland Road Singapore 547444 (Near Kovan MRT)


“The Practices and Vows of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra” from the Avatamsaka Sutra, Chapter 40, is a much revered text from the Mahayana Canon.

The Lectures delivered in English by Venerable Heng Sure will discuss on Bodhisattva Samantabhadra’s practices and the Ten Great Vows. The Ten Great Vows have become leading guidelines for aspiring Bodhisattvas.

Venerable Heng Sure 恒实法师

Venerable Heng SureVenerable Heng Sure, an American Buddhist monk, is a senior monastic disciple of the late Venerable Master Hsuan Hua. He is currently the Director of the Berkeley Buddhist Monastery, a branch monastery of the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association. Venerable Heng Sure is probably best known for his three steps, one bow pilgrimage, from South Pasadena to Ukiah, California, a distance of 800 miles, seeking world peace. The pilgrimage took two years and six months from 1977 to 1979.

Venerable received his MA in Oriental Languages from University of California, USA. He obtained his PhD from Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California, USA.