Suffering Follows the Evil-Doer

Phenomena are preceded by the heart,ruled by the heart, made of the heart.If you speak or act with a corrupted heart,then suffering follows you Ñas the wheel of the cart, the track of the ox that pulls it.– Dhammapada I. Twin Verses (Yamaka Vagga) :: Verse 1

Evil Action Leads to Torment

Here he’s tormentedhe’s tormented hereafter.In both worlds the wrong-doer’s tormented.He’s tormented at the thought, ‘I’ve done wrong.’Having gone to a bad destination,he’s tormented all the more.– Dhammapada I. Twin Verses (Yamaka Vagga) :: Verse 17

Virtuous Deeds Make One Rejoice

Here he delightshe delights hereafter.In both worlds the merit-maker delights.He delights at the thought, ‘I’ve made merit.’Having gone to a good destination,he delights all the more.– Dhammapada I. Twin Verses (Yamaka Vagga) :: Verse 18