He who, having traversed this miry, perilous and delusive round of existence,has crossed over and reached the other shore;who is meditative, calm, free from doubt,and, clinging to nothing, has attained to NibbanaÑ him do I call a holy man.– Dhammapada XXVI. Brahmanavagga: The Holy Man :: Verse 414
He who without resentment endures abuse, beating and punishment;whose power, real might, is patienceÑ him do I call a holy man.– Dhammapada XXVI. Brahmanavagga: The Holy Man :: Verse 399
He who is free from anger, is devout, virtuous,without craving, self-subdued and bears his final bodyÑ him do I call a holy man.– Dhammapada XXVI. Brahmanavagga: The Holy Man :: Verse 400
Like water on a lotus leaf, or a mustard seed on the point of a needle,he who does not cling to sensual pleasuresÑ him do I call a holy man.– Dhammapada XXVI. Brahmanavagga: The Holy Man :: Verse 401
He who in this very life realises for himself the end of suffering,who has laid aside the burden and become emancipatedÑ him do I call a holy man.– Dhammapada XXVI. Brahmanavagga: The Holy Man :: Verse 402
He who has profound knowledge,who is wise, skilled in discerning the right or wrong path,and has reached the highest goalÑ him do I call a holy man.– Dhammapada XXVI. Brahmanavagga: The Holy Man :: Verse 403
He who holds aloof from householders and ascetics alike,and wanders about with no fixed abodeand but few wantsÑ him do I call a holy man.– Dhammapada XXVI. Brahmanavagga: The Holy Man :: Verse 404
He who has renounced violence towards all living beings,weak or strong,who neither kills nor causes others to killÑ him do I call a holy man.– Dhammapada XXVI. Brahmanavagga: The Holy Man :: Verse 405
He who is friendly amidst the hostile, peaceful amidst the violent,and unattached amidst the attachedÑ him do I call a holy man.– Dhammapada XXVI. Brahmanavagga: The Holy Man :: Verse 406
Control of the senses, contentment, restraint according to the code of monastic disciplineÑ these form the basis of holy life here for the wise monk.– Dhammapada XXV. Bhikkhuvagga: The Monk :: Verse 375