Date: 16-07-2015 to 19-07-2015
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Venue: Mandarin Ballroom I & II
Mandarin Orchard Singapore, 333 Orchard Road, Singapore 238867
Attendance: By registration only
Fee payable: $50 for the 4-Day Retreat (inclusive of vegetarian lunch)
Cheque payable to “The Buddhist Union”
Mail to: The Buddhist Union, 28 Jalan Senyum, Singapore 418152.
Tel: 6281 9776 / 6241 9419
Please indicate “4-Day Guanyin Retreat”, including your name, email address and contact no. behind your cheque. Interested participants, please submit the Application Form before 6 July 2015.
About The Retreat
Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, one of the most well-known and beloved figures in Mahayana Buddhism, symbolises the universal human potential for great compassion. Her name literally means Contemplator of the Sounds of the World; and represents her ability to hear the cries of the world and respond to the sufferings of sentient beings.
Led by Venerable Heng Sure together with Sangha Members from The City of Thousand Buddhas (USA and Malaysia), the 4-day Guanyin Retreat is a proactive practice retreat centred on Guanshiyin Bodhisattva and focuses on the recitation of Great Compassion Repentance (大悲忏), Great Compassion Mantra (大悲咒) and recitation of the name Guanyin (观音圣号).
Participants will learn about the teachings of Bodhisattvas and at the same time immerse themselves in the devotional and contemplative practice of recitation. Through this disciplined practice, participants will be able to cleanse their mind and calm their thoughts with the objective of achieving “single-pointed mindfulness”. This is “wu-nian”, no-thought; reciting yet not reciting. Single-pointed mindfulness stops the mind from wandering and with no-thought, purity automatically returns by itself.
Some Useful Tips
• Attire:
- Clothing should not be transparent or translucent or sleeveless. Shirts/ T-Shirts and long pants are recommended.
• Observing 5 Precepts:
- To be mindful of the Five Precepts are to be observed during the Retreat.
• Behaviour:
- Noble Silence to be observed at all times. Participants are strongly encouraged to practice patience, loving kindness, compassion and courtesy during the serving of food and toilet breaks.
• Food:
- Strictly Vegetarian Food (without Eggs, Garlic, Onion/Spring Onion, Leek, Chinese Chives and Shallot) is to be taken. No food or eating is permitted in the Retreat Hall.
• Personal Items:
- Refrain from bringing any valuables to the Retreat. All mobile phones are to be in ‘silent mode’ or switched off in the Retreat Hall. No cameras or video recording equipment to be taken into the Retreat Hall. Prayer beads (mala) are allowed.
• Time Keeping:
- Participants are reminded to be mindful of time keeping at all times during the Retreat. Be punctual on all occasions.
• General:
- Any disputes, discontentment or constructive suggestions are to be brought up to the Organising Committee. All decisions made by the Organising Committee are to be respected and upheld.
日期:16-07-2015 至19-07-2015
地点: 文华宴会1厅和2厅,新加坡文华大酒店,乌节路333号,新加坡238867
“The Buddhist Union” 并请在支票背面写上您的姓名、电邮地址、住家地址、联系号码和“观音法门四日修”,有兴趣参加者,请在2015念7月6日前提交报名表格。
然后寄至:The Buddhist Union, 28 Jalan Senyum, Singapore 418152
电话:6281 9776 / 6241 9419
• 穿着:
- 不透明的长袖衬衫 / T恤和长裤。
• 持戒: 静修期间需持五戒清净。
• 威仪: 保持肃静、禁止喧哗。在领取餐饮或上净房时,遵守次序,发挥慈悲、宽容和无私的精神。
• 食物:素食(不含蛋、洋葱、韭菜、大蒜、小葱、青葱)。静修大厅内严禁饮食。
• 个人物品:不携带贵重物品。手机时刻处于静音状态,不能录像或拍照。可自备念珠。
• 时间管理:严格守时、不迟到、不早退。
• 一般事项:如有任何宝贵的反馈与建设性的意见,可向组委会提出,并且尊重组委会的决定。