佛学讲座《佛说盂兰盆经》 释宽净法师 Dharma Talk: The Buddha Speaks The Ullambana Sutra by Venerable Kuan Jing

授课法师: 释宽净
日期:3,10,17/08/2018 (星期五)
地点: 佛教会, 28 Jalan Senyum, Singapore 418152
电话: 6241 9419
课程免费 欢迎参加



授课法师: 释宽净


Dharma Talk:The Buddha Speaks the Ullambana Sutra

Speaker: Venerable Kuan Jing

Date: Fridays 3, 10 and 17 Aug 2018
Time: 8:00 pm to 9:30 pm
Venue: The Buddhist Union, 28 Jalan Senyum, Singapore 418152
Tel: 6241 9419

Free Admission All are Welcome

This year, in addition to the Ullambana Dharma Function, a Buddhist Dharma talk series has been specially organised for the public.

The Ullambana Sutra

The Ullambana Sutra celebrates the virtues of filial piety, gratitude and compassion. It describes how Venerable Mahamaudgalyayana in his meditative state saw his late mother in great suffering in the hungry ghost realm. He could not bear to see his mother suffering as a hungry ghost and sought help from the Buddha. The Buddha instructed Mahamaudgalyayana to make offerings of food and other basic necessities to the virtuous assembly of the Sangha (monks) at the end of the rain retreat (15th day of the 7th month in the lunar calendar). The merits gained from this noble act of giving helped to liberate Mahamaudgalyayana’s mother from her suffering. This is the origin of the Ullambana festival.